Registration Information

Private School vs Online Support Group
What's the difference between the private school option and the online support group only option? I have a feeling that some of you may have this question and wanted to just give you a quick synopsis here.
The private school option is the legal covering for your home education program. Because Cheerful Heart Academy is registered with the Florida Department of Education and keeps up with all of the paperwork each year, those students who are registered under this option are legally private school students in the state of Florida (even if they are home educated). In choosing the private school option, you get the online support group option at no charge.
The online support group option is for those who may need to be registered under the county as homeschoolers (there are a few reasons, playing sports for a county school is one), or possibly a family who has only preschool age children at this time, or even someone who is registered with a different private school. Whatever the reason may be, the hope is that the online support provided here between each other will bring a sense of fellowship in the home educating community. In choosing the online support group only option, you will not have the covering of the private school and you will be charged $12 per year per family.
CHA-Private School Students
Cheerful Heart Academy Private School Students:
There is an annual enrollment fee of $25 for the first student; $15 for each additional student - non-refundable. You will be sent an invoice via email after you fill out the registration form and click the 'Continue' button at the bottom. If you would prefer to register by mail, click here for the form and mail it, along with all required documents and payment, to the address on the bottom of the form.
You will automatically be registered for the Online Support Group if you are enrolling any student for the private school. If you would like to add your non-school aged children to the site for the support side, please do so; I will only invoice you for the tuition for the school aged students.
For all new students - in addition to this registration form, I will need:
- a copy of the student's birth certificate
- Health exam (Form DH 3040) -- must be current information (no more than one year old).
- Immunization record (Form DH 680) -- must be current information (no more than one year old).
***Note: If your religious/personal convictions conflict with requirement (2) and/or (3), you may submit a letter taking an exemption from one or both of these requirements.
If you have any questions, please contact Lynda at [email protected].
CHA-Online Support Group
Cheerful Heart Academy - Online Support Group Only
If you would like to only be a part of the online support group part of Cheerful Heart Academy, please fill out the required parts of the registration form, check the appropriate box when asked if you would like to be invoiced for the Support Group Only, then click continue. If you plan to pay that invoice by mail, please be sure to read the instructions on the next page thoroughly as that is where you will find out how to do so!
Annual enrollment in the Support Group Only is $12 per family, unless you have a student enrolled in CHA. Any family with a student enrolled in CHA gets the Support Group for FREE!