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Tutor Information

indicates a required answer

CHA Tutor Information

If you are a tutor and would like your information to be made available to the Cheerful Heart Academy families, please fill out the form below. I will do my best to keep the list updated each year and may from time to time email you to ask for updates in information. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Lynda at [email protected]!


1. *

Tutor Name

2. *

Tutor Email Address

3. *

Tutor Phone Number

4. *

May we text the above number?

Yes No

Please tell us a little about why you are qualified to tutor. This is optional, but most parents like to have this information!

6. *

What subjects do you tutor?

7. *

How are you able/willing to tutor?

In Person Only On Line Only
A mixture of In Person and On Line
8. *

Please tell us about your pricing for tutor sessions as well as anything else you would like us to know.